Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weekends in Michigan

We headed over to mommy's home state to see family and celebrate cousin Mariah's 3rd birthday. It always seems so short but at least there was time for lots of snuggles, family time and cake! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends so it is extra special when we get to make wonderful memories with them! It was an amazingly fun weekend!

"Let's get this party started!"

"Come in baby Lucas!" said cousins Isaiah & Mariah

Isaiah loves his baby cousin!

Mariah in action and showing no fear of the water slide!

Mariah still wants to "hold" Lucas

And so does Isaiah (Lucas trying to be on the move!)

Mariah's wonderful and tasty beach theme cake!

Cooling off in the kiddie pool

Tried to take a group shot but this was the best I could get.


More swimming later that day with daddy

The boys showing some love

Making his rounds to try out every swing he sees!

Knock, knock....anyone home?

The boys hangin'

A little patty-cake before hitting the road!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The love of music

So I have been spending the last few days playing over and over this little video I have of Lucas enjoying his music and also adding in a few little dance moves as well.  I figured that it would be nice to share this on our blog because it makes me smile every time I watch it.  One day I will show this to him and he will smile and laugh with me.....

Building blocks

We never know what cool stuff we will be doing in our therapy sessions but today Lucas was quite impressive with blocks. He was routinely making the "b" sound and putting blocks together appropriately. Meaning that if they didn't fit right away he would flip them over until he could make them attach! So wonderful and exciting to see his learning and play increase from week to week!

Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July photo blast

Since we had so much fun celebrating the long 4th of July weekend I wanted to share some of our great photos and memories! Nothing like spending time with Lucas and all those we love! We spent time walking and swinging at the park, taking Lucas to his 1st parade, going to Blackberry Farm and tried to even add a little time for rest. 

Waiting patiently for the parade to get started.

Lucas surrounded by love!

Totally impressed with the parade action!

Loving the park on weekend mornings!

And.....another park with great swings!

Riding a pony with no hands. Now that is skill!
Lucas and daddy enjoying the train ride

Lucas' first time on the carousal

Ready to board the train!

Nico and abuela

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Transitioning to toddler

Well this week was a big one for us but secretly I think it was a week that Lucas has been waiting for. This week marks Lucas officially "growing up" and moving from the infant room to the toddler room. Although Lucas knows all the teachers and has visited this room many times in the past he is now there full time. His transition was smooth and he loves all his toddler friends and we can't wait to see his growth. I was so happy to be able to attend his Developmental Therapy session in his new room this week. It was so cute to see how all his friends wanted to help or be involved during DT.

I was so happy to be able to see Lucas enjoy his new daycare room, wonderful companionship with his friends and work with his amazing DT Vickie! Go Lucas, mommy is so proud of you!

Monday, July 1, 2013

We love art

Lucas came home with a collection of art work today after his class finished a month long curriculum of "Under the Sea" for the month of June. I have to say that based on all the pieces Lucas made, particularly the pieces made using his hand and feet, are all quite stunning pieces! We love our baby Picasso!