Monday, January 14, 2013

Learning words

Part of the beauty of having a child is playing and helping them learn new things and in the process you would be surprised with all the learning you are doing along the way.  This past weekend we enjoyed a physical therapy class at Gigi's Playhouse and then spent the rest of the weekend having fun at home. While I was trying to teach Lucas how to have fun with bubbles it reminded me how much I stink at blowing them but Lucas next let on about how bad I was.  Instead he loved looking around at all the bubbles and lunged forward to pop ones that landed on the floor in front of him. It was amazing him zone on a bubble and use his little fingers to pop them.  I am not sure who was more excited - him or me?  So as you can see our first word of the weekend was B-U-B-B-L-E!!!

Which one should I get?

Oh man, she is blowing these all for me!! My mommy rocks!

"Got it!! I got it!!"

We also got to spend some time this weekend working with our new touch and feel flash cards. We always try to work with Lucas on the same types of activities that he does in the daycare and with his therapists.  His DT (developmental therapists) has been using these flash cards with Lucas so of course mom had to rush out and get these for our little man.  As you can see we had fun learning.  Language, word recognition along with visual aids are so helpful for all children and we make sure to work with Lucas as much as we can to assist his verbalization of sound.  As I said before you are amazed at how much you learn from your children! Lucas sure teaches me patience, compassion and to be the best educator I can be.  Surely my inner teacher is emerging!!

Ohhhhh, that is nice and furry!

That's a ball mom....I got tons of those!!

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