Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Today was hard work

No surprise here that Tuesday's, or any therapy day for that matter, mean that Lucas is going to be presented with challenges, hard work, successes and most of all being completely tired out! Today Lucas had OT and he worked on upper extremity strength, pivoting and starting to work on the pincer grasp.  This is also more commonly known as being able to pick up small items between the forefinger and thumb. This is something that is a little troublesome for Lucas currently especially when trying to eat puffs. So for now mommy and daddy are offering a lot of support for this. So over the next few weeks these are the things we will be working on in OT and at home. 

So this is what we looked like before the hard work in OT.  I think he knows something's up!

Below are photos from our OT session and you can quickly see that it was not all fun and games and there were even a few moments during our session where Lucas was ready to wave the white towel!

Holding steady finally on his arms!

And still holding!

Getting a little help to start moving around

"Are we done yet?"

"Oh no, now they wanna see me pivot!"

"I like this toy and I know how to make the ball come out!"

"Mom, make it stop! I don't wanna hold myself up and reach over for those toys!"

"I guess it wasn't so bad, maybe I shouldn't have made such a big fuss"

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