Wednesday, May 22, 2013

With the Cousins

We try to get to see our family as often as we can and sometimes it isn't very easy with family spread all over the country but this past weekend we went to Michigan for a little family getaway.  Lucas loves being around his cousins and enjoys playing with them so much.  He is so eager to be part of the group and enjoys all the special attention they give him. They are wonderful older cousins who love and care for Lucas so much.  What an awesome family we have!

Lucas being pushed on the hummer by Liliana (Look at his smile!)

Amazed at the steering wheel

Lucas enjoying time with Liliana and James

The two little guys (Lucas and Isaiah) after swimming. They were exhausted!

Swinging with Rosko standing guard

Getting pushed by cousin Mariah! She is loving this.

In flight!

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