Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I Am Who I Am

Although it's a new year our focus and mission is still the same as it was when we became Lucas' parents. We are here to love and support Lucas in all he does but we also have an obligation to help educate and spread awareness for all those individuals born with special needs or special challenges.  In our case when Lucas was born we knew what to expect and we were prepared to embrace our baby boy for who exactly he was born to be.  In many cases parents do not know or receive some type of unexpected news or an unexpected diagnosis upon birth. This is shocking and in many cases not always communicated in the best possible way.  Thankfully there are organizations like I Am Who I Am that make sure parents get the love and support and most of all reassurance that they are not alone.  This wonderful organization just launched a video that happens to showcase Lucas (at about the 2:10 mark) some of his friends and many beautiful children that should be loved and accepted for exactly who they are.  After all, it's our differences that make us all unique in this world.

You can see this beautiful video and it's message on You Tube by clicking the text: I Am Who I Am Video

I know this little boy was born and put on this earth to change it for the better. Couldn't  be more proud to be his mommy and to join all the wonderful families on this journey.