Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's 2014

Well I am finally having a few minutes to myself on this cold snow stormy night to reflect on how amazing the last few months have been. I can't even begin to share how much I have enjoyed each day with my son and just being mom.  It's been 4 months now that I am a stay at home mom and although it was a bit tough in the beginning it is has been an incredible time to watch my little man grow and develop and have just a bit more time to enjoy how blessed I am in this life.  Maybe that is one of the reasons that I haven't spent time blogging because instead I have been too busy living in the moment or trying to catch some shut-eye so I am ready to hit the ground running the next day with Lucas.  So although I haven't been blogging or recording daily events on this blog rest assure I have been documenting every magical moment with my iPhone, camera, FB page, mental notes and most of all in my heart. As I said....I have been living in the moment and loving every second.  I think the best way for me to try and "play catch up" on the blog is to add special outings, events, and wonderful times randomly in the next few months. I think that will be a good idea.  In the meantime here is a little video we made on NYE as were waiting for the ball to drop and welcome 2014. To be honest we tried our hardest to stay up until the clock struck midnight but I think you could say we were a little worn out.  Maybe it was all the basketball playing we were doing. We welcome 2014 with open arms and know this will be a wonderful year for not only Lucas but for our entire family!

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