Friday, January 31, 2014

Learning as I go

I used to think that I knew so much before Lucas was born and he has quickly shown me that there are many things that I didn't know or didn't even have a clue about.  He continues to help me be a better mom on a daily basis and makes me grow not only as a parent but also as a person.  Like any mom I only want the best for my son and I will do anything I can in my power to try and make that happen.  I mean seriously, I look at this face each day I know that I owe him the best of me and the foundation that will allow him to dream big dreams. 


So even though this mama can get tired from all the weekly therapies, various doctor visits and routine housekeeping I dig deep to keep it all together. I will admit it's not always easy. It's not always fun and often it is down right challenging. When you have a child that may have the deck stacked against them in some areas you worry about a lot of things but try not to let that bog you down. You have to take each day as it comes and learn as you go. Some things that certainly don't come easy to me.  But I am learning.

Some of the many people who help me learn are our amazingly talented therapists.  They have many times answered my questions, relieved my worry and boosted my confidence to be Lucas' advocate, voice and biggest champion.  They actually inspire me to pick up where they leave off after our weekly session so that Lucas remains challenged and a happy little learner.  Of course I know his limits and want him to be a kid but I also know that my son is very task-oriented and loves to learn! So I make sure we have fun and play to his strengths and make learning as fun as possible.  All this is part of the plan to keep him moving forward.

Today I decided to do something pretty simple but something I knew Lucas would enjoy.  It included language, fine motor skills, color recognition, numbers and forcing Lucas to use 2 hands since he is often left hand dominant. (weaker on his right side)  The activity was simple and included Boardmaker symbol cards, empty seasoning container, balls purchased from the dollar store and tons of celebration at the end. Did I mention we must have done this almost 30 times in a row?

What I learned today is that these simple activities are not only a time for me to be with my son but also to encourage him to keep learning and gaining confidence with his own skills. I am thankful that each day I learn something new from Lucas and those around me.  These are the times and moments I am most proud of in my life.  You see I also love to learn and it couldn't be more perfect that I learn side-by-side with my son and also have him be one of my best teachers.

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