Monday, June 18, 2012

Hey, I don't look good in these mom!

So today after our infant massage class Lucas got a package in the mail. It was the arrival of his Hip Helpers aka Baby Spanx. For those that are wondering... "they are the answer to excessive hip abduction in babies and toddlers with low muscle tone and they have been found to improve rotational movement and limit "W" sitting in babies who are developing their movement skills."(this taken directly from Hip Helpers website)

So there you have it, a possible end to Lucas' chances of representing U.S.A in gymnastics! In any case I think the jury is still out on what Lucas thinks of these. I am sure Sammy, his PT (physical therapist) will be very excited these arrived!

                                                 So here is the Before Hip Helpers photo

                                                     here is the After Hip Helpers photo

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