Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What you say?

This weekend we went to Michigan for a quick 3-day weekend getaway and little did we know that as we tried to get Lucas back to sleep, after our midnight arrival, he would begin making sounds that would bring us almost to tears.  We have been talking to Lucas, singing to Lucas, reading books and spent endless hours with him studying the movement of our lips and tongue with virtually not much luck in having him mimic the sounds or vocalization.  So when it sort of "turned on" at 2 in the morning it caught us completely off guard.  The first sounds we heard were something like this, "ba ba pa pa pa" this was preceded by a bunch of spit and bubbles being made from Lucas' mouth.  I don't think that Carlos and I will forget this milestone since it was a long time coming and Lucas has been on a roll with his vocalizations since. Gosh I love this little blessing more than any words can express.  

Here is Lucas enjoying his Baby Signing Times video.  He really love watching Rachel teach simple sign language words and the catchy songs they sing.  So on we go on this journey of speech development!

Watching Baby Signing times sign about milk

"Banana, Banana....yum"

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