Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Loving the iPad and my table

So after a long day that included a developmental therapy evaluation, daycare, work for mom and getting a new central air unit in our home me and mom still found time to play and learn while waiting for daddy to come home for a family swim.  Here is what me and mom were up to; lots of learning apps with sound so that I can begin associating words with things and animals. This was lots of fun and by the way my evaluation went awesome today! I am moving right along and developing very well.

Getting ready to play on the iPad with my special table Grandpa made me. Gosh I love this table!

Getting warmed up! Can you say riiiibbbiiitttt???

Oh yeah! Swiping is my new favorite thing to do!

Mom is so cool that she found me these fun apps to play with and listen to cool sounds!

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