Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New things, New adventures

So today was a little bit special since Lucas got to visit mommy at work and got to appreciate his first popsicle to help with his teething. If only that darn tooth would hurry up and pop out! I think we have been patient enough!  :) 

I will say it was nice that daddy was home for a few days this week since he got to go and see Lucas more often at daycare, therapy and even could bring him to mom's work since all the ladies have been begging me to bring him by.  Today was a good day!

Yummy! He sure did love that popsicle.

Lucas and mommy at her work. He shortly started throwing papers all over the floor after this photo!


  1. Aww how awesome!!! He got to visit mommy @ work!!! Yay Lucas!!!

  2. Oh yeah and all the ladies loved it!! It was hard to get work done after his visit!
