Thursday, December 20, 2012

A hard week

I haven't been able to find the time, energy or strength to even post in the last week with Lucas recovering from his surgery on December 12; hard to believe that it is now December 20....and only 5 days away from Christmas. My oh my how did this happen.  This apparently is what lack of sleep will do to you when you have a loved one that is not feeling well.  Lucas' road to recovery has been a long one and both Carlos and I have been pushed to what seems like our limits in trying to console a baby who's only way of communication is crying.  The good thing is that he is getting better with every day and that my dad is here helping us and caring for Lucas while we are working.  We could not be more thankful for my dad's time, love and energy at this time because it not only helps Lucas but it helps us too. 

For those of you that are fortunate to have grandparents and extended family jump in and help you whenever you need an extra set of hands you understand exactly what I am talking about.  In addition to Lucas hanging out with his partner in crime, Grandpa, he also got a couple of sleepovers with his big cousin Leonel. It has been so precious to see Leonel play with Lucas and care for him. Although Lucas does not have any siblings he is blessed by some very loving and protective big cousins on both sides of the family. Can't get any better than this.  So I guess what I am trying to say is that even though our life has been turned upside down by this surgery and desperately wanting our little angel to be fully recovered we have been surrounded by love and helping hands.  We will all get through this time.  Be thankful for friends and family that are there in your times of need!

"Mommy I am still happy at times during my recovery!"

Learning a new song with Grandpa...uh, yeah and drooling all over!

Grandpa teaching Lucas another song and sharing the gift of music

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