Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tonsils no more

Today's post comes from a room in ICU at Lurie Children's Hospital after Lucas had his tonsils and adenoids removed due to an 80% obstruction of his airway.  While we knew this surgery was coming we didn't think it would be this December but in retrospect we are hoping that means we are that much closer to giving Lucas the best quality of life he can have.  We like many other families who have children with Ds have developed a close relationship with our ENT doctor to ensure that Lucas is moving air properly in the airway.  The recovery today so far has been a little intense and not allowed Lucas much relief I am hoping and praying that tomorrow is a better day and that we can finally drink and eat while not being in so much pain swallowing! Most of the photos I took today are pre-surgery when Lucas was happy and smiling, not many photo post surgery as he has been way too fussy!

Laughing and being silly in the waiting room

Lucas and Scout - his best friend

"Ummm what is going on here?"

Post surgery listening to grandpa sing and soothe Lucas

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