Monday, August 13, 2012

A video with some adorable kiddies...including Lucas

Ever since Lucas was born we have been blessed to have amazing friends and family be there when we needed them, be there when we needed a shoulder to cry on and be there when we wanted someone to share our laughs with. You can certainly say our life with Lucas has been something we could never have been prepared for but most of all it's almost like our lives really began the day he was born.  I know that sounds crazy to say but it really is true. The things he has shown us and the way he has touched so many hearts is something that truly touches me - not just because I am his mommy but because I stand in awe so often that a tender, sweet, innocent, beautiful and loving little person was given to me to raise, enjoy, cherish and share with others.

I also don't know where we would be without our Down Syndrome family who have embraced us and shown us rookie parents the ropes.  We have been enveloped in support and community in a way that I would never have anticipated.  It is because of all this that when we get asked to take part in Ds awareness initiatives, to share our story or to represent how wonder and beautiful our children are I do not hesitate.  Having said that we have recently been featured in a short video with other special kiddos.  You can see Lucas around the 6 minute and 45 second mark but know this video is worth seeing from start to finish.  I, like every mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, uncle, grandfather, etc. admire and believe each and every one of these little people.

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