Thursday, August 30, 2012

Please don't go summer!

So tomorrow is the last day of August and in a feeble attempt savor the last days of summer we couldn't help hurrying home today to jump in the pool in this rare 90 degree weather.  We wanted to try and get in a couple more family swims before we have to close up the pool for the year. As much as I wasn't too big on getting the pool this year I caved to daddy's pleas of how the pool would be a great way thing to have in our big backyard and not to mention that we could do our own form of aqua therapy for Lucas at home.  I guess I should listen to my husband more often because him and Lucas love being in the pool hanging out together and splashing all over!

My men enjoying some quality time

Lucas secure in daddy's arms

"Mommy I had a good swim!"

"Okay, I'm hungry now please feed me something"

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